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[English Version] The cooking ingredients of the Mediterranean have existed since the dawn of
time. These ingredients have been used for thousands of years, and their use
has been spread worldwide by a myriad of cultures and cuisines, including
Arabs, Greeks, Italians, Spanish, French, Catalonians, Romans, Egyptians and
In this little cookbook, we have assembled twenty recipes which evoke the
sun and traditions of the Mediterranean. We have asked Lali and Paco, two
great artisans, to contribute their knowledge of cooking and photography so
we can share these delectable recipes with you.
We have missed out on the aromas, perhaps we will get to include these in an upcoming edition...

Kustom magazine. Magyarul is.
The main subjects of the magazine include the Custom Bike, Hot Rod, Pin Up, and Kustom cultures.
We search out the most interesting bikes and hot rods, as well as the loveliest pin up girls in the world, as well as dealing with exhibitions and numerous other events. We mainly focus on European and North American cars and bikes, but we’re open to all of the custom car and bike builders of the world.
Owner & editor.
only hungarian

Artbanka CZ 01 je multimedia´lni´ pr?vodce po vy´stav? Artbanka Kick Off, po?a´dane´ ve dnech 30. 3. a? 22. 4. 2011 v galerii Dvorak Sec Contemporary v Praze. V ra´mci aplikace Artbanka CZ 01 naleznete kompletni´ virtua´lni´ prohli´dku galerie (pr?chozi´ 360° panoramata) v?etn? podrobnosti´ o v?ech vystaveny´ch obrazech a objektech p?i´mo z ra´mci virtua´lni´ prohli´dky, da´le podrobnosti o projektu Artbanka, seznam d?l a dal?i´ zaji´mav? informace pro milovni´ky um?ni´. Prost?ednictvi´m va?eho iPadu snadno m??ete nav?ti´vit vy´stavu kdykoliv - 24 hodin denn? - a nejste omezeni trva´ni´m vy´stavy v galerii Dvorak Sec Contemporary.
Projekt Artbanka je jedine?ny´ neziskovy´ projekt v oblasti vizua´lni´ho um?ni´, ktery´ poma´ha´ mlady´m um?lc?m v odstartova´ni´ karie´ry, organizuje jejich prezentaci v mezina´rodni´m srovna´ni´ , zaji??uje odborne´ posouzeni´ jejich tvorby a dlouhodob? monitoruje di´la, ktera´ na ?eske´ sce´n? vznikaji´.

Welcome to the all new digital version of Tactical Gear Magazine. As always the focus of Tactical Gear is to provide the most comprehensive information concerning firearms and gear for self-defense, law enforcement and military use. Now, that information comes in a dynamic new package, totally compatible with the fast-paced digital revolution.

Tactical Gear Digital includes video reviews, interactive icons and hot pop-ups woven into an entirely new medium offering all the information readers demand, in a vibrant new format that includes the latest technology and the hottest presentation.

What hasn’t changed is the commitment by the most respected writers in the business to provide insight and information on today’s best products.

Take a look, you’ll love what we’ve done with this new edition of Tactical Gear Digital.
Exclusive Premier Issue Content:
●Join SWAT commander Scott Wagner for an in-depth look at the FN Five seveN pistol and the outstanding round it fires.

For 70 years, Minnesota Conservation Volunteer magazine has provided entertaining and informative articles about Minnesota's woods, waters, and wildlife. Featuring some of Minnesota's best-known outdoor writers and photographers, MCV delivers the best in-depth and in-the-field coverage spanning all of Minnesota's great outdoors―from birding and camping, to hunting and fishing, to hiking and paddling, with a special focus on urgent conservation issues that matter most to Minnesotans.
In addition to all the compelling writing and stunning images found in Minnesota Conservation Volunteer's annual Sense of Place issue, this special iPad version includes:
− A design as meticulous as the magazine's award-winning print edition
− iPad-only photographs, slideshows, and audio
− interactive images that allow users to play bird calls or to view panoramic images
− relevant Web links
Please be patient.

Tap, swipe, and zoom your way into the world of beauty with Allure magazine. See the newest hairstyles, makeup, and skin-care advances and experience all the latest products―looking brighter and juicier than ever before. Sample Allure’s expertise with the free preview in this app, then buy the complete May issue with fun iPad-only bonuses, including hairstyles that can be viewed from every angle, an exclusive image of cover girl Lauren Conrad, behind-the-scenes video of actress Kaley Cuoco before her nude photo shoot, and even more product news! Allure on the iPad gives you the world of beauty at your fingertips.
● Actress Kaley Cuoco’s video diary on how she prepared to bare all for Allure
● 360-degree images of hot new hairstyles. See the front, the sides, the back―view hair at any angle you want.
● See more of Lauren Conrad at her Malibu cover shoot
● Plus, bonus product info and beauty blobs!

MA:TT is an ipad magazine, the leader of tasty and healthy 'well-being.' We introduce traditional Korean food like Kimchi, Bibimbab and Bulgogi.
MA:TT would like to tell a story about traditional Korean cuisines which you feel unfamiliar with. Furthermore, it shows you recipes; how to cook delicious Korean cuisine at home.
In this issue, we are going to explore the wonders of the Buddhist Temple cuisine where people’s interest derives from its vegetarian nature of diet. The Temple cuisine is ideal for its purpose, which it tries to complete people’s mental and physical health. Although temple cuisine might not win points from its mere appearance, it offers a simple but adequate taste without any use of artificial flavours.
Also, you can feel the flavours of all ingredients of each season. There are plenty of nutrients in Buddhist cuisine and also the food contains wisdom. Is there any food more significant than this? Let’s go into the world of the Buddhist Temple food.

Status e´ uma revista para o homem de se´culo XXI − aquele que sabe compartilhar com a mulher a alegria de viver, o desejo e os sonhos. Para homens de todas as idades e de alto poder de consumo, que te^m em comum a elega^ncia, o humor e o savoir-faire. Sensualidade sem vulgaridade. Requinte sem afetacao. Ousadia com bom gosto. Maturidade com vigor.
E o diferencial que e´ a marca da Editora Tre^s: jornalismo de qualidade. Reportagens que transportem o leitor para o exclusivo Clube de (quem tem) Status.

LJ (《LifeStyle Journal優雅生活》之簡稱) 乃《信報》旗下刊物。創刊於2008年3月28日,LJ是一本以Enlightened Luxury & Lifestyle為定位的生活雜誌。我們從時裝、珠寶、腕表、飲食、藝術、汽車、健康、創意人物等不同範疇出發,為?得生活的高學歴、高品味、高消費精英讀者探索生活啓迪以至生命價値的内容。
3年後的今天,《LifeStyle Journal》蓄勢以待,以LJ Plus版本登陸iPad平台。作為LJ印刷版的延伸,LJ Plus不單繼承《LifeStyle Journal》澎湃影像、深度思考的方向,更會提供獨家訪問/對談的視像映片、潮流意象分析、獨特跨界合作平台,並以多媒體嶄新演繹,成為具收藏價値的創意媒體。
Aesthetics 優雅美學
傳承《LifeStyle Journal優雅生活》元素,以嶄新媒介展現美學之動態。
Bespoke 定制生活
Collectible 鑑寶藏珍
Desire 奢華慾望
追求頂級奢華享受從來是與生倶來的生活本能,在這裡,讓我們一起尋找最精緻罕有的desire of object。
Edutainment 創意享樂
《LifeStyle Journal優雅生活》, also known as LJ, is a bi-weekly magazine published by the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Launched in March 2008, LJ is a showcase for enlightened luxury and lifestyle. We cover fashion, jewelry, watches, food and drinks, arts and culture, automobiles, health − and people. We recognize that educated and discerning readers with spending power aspire to certain things that add value and meaning to their lives.
Three years on, LJ is moving into a new phase with the launch of an iPad edition, LJ Plus. As an extension of our print edition, LJ Plus will continue to provide powerful visual images and impactful content with insight and depth. Exclusive interviews, casual and easy conversations, analysis on trends and events and special projects on our multimedia platform are just a few of our enhancements. In short, this is new media with a certain touch − something not to be missed.
Here is a snapshot of our content.
Through our multimedia platform, we present the latest trends and ideas on fashion, jewelry, watches and automobiles in a refreshing format, providing unmatched digital reading experience.
We take readers through the inner world of interesting people, tapping into their ideas and unique insights.
We present classic artworks in a new light, in a digital-age showcase, through the most exciting and innovative online platform of our time.

The pursuit of the good life is a natural instinct. We look for the most sophisticated and rarest objects of desire.

Creation & Emotion are the two words that drive daily life more than most. Special guest editor is invited to lead each issue to stimulate ideas, inflame passion and generate bold and innovative thinking.

Look Sharp. Live Smart. Right now. Download the latest issue of GQ + app-exclusive photos and videos you won’t find in the magazine. This app download includes your handy reader, a library feature, AND the complete current issue (May) available for purchase. And best of all, you'll experience it in two ways: Hold it vertically or turn it horizontally.
-- A Mad-lib style primer on how to solve the world’s problems by comic actor ZACH GALIFIANAKIS
-- HOW TO LOOK GREAT IN THE WARMER DAYS AHEAD and a complete guide to spring style
-- 51 DAYS LOST AT SEA: an incredible story of survival on the open ocean
-- The new wave of AMAZING CHEFS IN PARIS who make great food and don’t care about Michelin stars
-- The inside story of how demolition crew are DESTROYING DETROIT―IN ORDER TO SAVE IT
-- Lessons in parenting and sitcom survivalism from TINA FEY
-- A few days with STEPHON MARBURY, who’s starting over and dreaming big in China
and yes, MUCH, much MORE.

VoiceMag on Voicen julkaisema lifestyle-lehti ta¨ynna¨ musiikkia, tyylia¨, elokuvia ja mielenkiintoisia ihmisia¨. Lehtea¨ julkaisee viihdemedia The Voice. Lisa¨tietoa lehdesta¨ lo¨yda¨t osoitteesta www.voice.fi/voicemag
VoiceMag - Ta¨ytetty lifestyle-viihteella¨!

For Sophisticated Rebels and Savvy Individuals. By downloading BLAG's deluxe iPad App, you get to experience our exclusive content in a brand new way, with a refreshed design that could never be printed. See exclusive shoots with your favourite musicians and actors. Read insightful long-form interviews with bonus video and audio pieces. More than 50% of the photos are exclusive to the App and won't appear in the printed edition.
●Design is bespoke, and you'll experience the App in completely different ways -- just turn the iPad around and get a whole new view.
●Swipe left-to-right to see main feature opening shots; stories are stacked underneath. Shortcuts include a mini-view across the top to scroll through the entire App. Videos pop up, and so does the A-Z section.
●Enjoy dedicated horizontal and vertical designs with interactivity video, audio, slideshows, and pop-ups, with brand new text layouts.

Gardening How-To is the official publication of the National Home Gardening Club. With 575,000 members, it’s the largest gardening magazine in the nation. Gardening How-To aims to foster a sense of community and provide timely, informative, and inspiring editorial content that appeals to avid home gardeners.

hOmage magazine is an interactive magazine produced specifically for the iPad and it’s global audience.
Our focus is on the extraordinary in life... We pay tribute to the extraordinary people, places, events and products that are positively changing the fabric of our planet.
hOmage presents in a stunning and exciting combination of film and stills all accessed by the interactive iPad.
Our ethos - is positive, informative and fun reporting... Visually re-enforced by some of the world’s best photographers and film makers, to give you the world’s first true interactive, international lifestyle magazine produced for a global audience.
Features are focussed globally. Seasonal fashion from both Northern and Southern hemispheres - events from all continents - people, places and products from the Globe - unified in one issue.
hOmage is a magazine with an environmental and social conscience...
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