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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング


アプリはどんどん増え、どんどんアップデートされていくため、行き届かない点があるかもしれません。リンク切れ等の問題を発見なされた場合、お手数ですが、タイトル下の 「管理者に通知」 を押し、教えてください。


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Revista Gestio´n N?1

Dipnot Tv iPad gazetesi yay?nda!

購読するニュースは、Google News のトピックと検索結果 および Twitterのアカウントとリスト から選べます。好きなようにページとセクションを構成して、自分だけのニュースリストをつくることができます。
記事の閲覧時に(Safari経由で)Twitter, Facebookでシェアすることもできます。過去3日前までの履歴が保持されるので、後から読み返すこともできます。

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'??????'? iPad? ??????.

Todoboda es la revista espanola especializada en el mundo nupcial. Su contenido en formato digital abarca los distintos sectores que los novios necesitan para la celebracio´n de la boda con ideas, informacio´n y reportajes de intere´s sobre vestidos de novias, tendencias en moda, belleza, joyas, destinos para disfrutar la luna de miel, banquetes, decoracio´n, recomendaciones de expertos y otros servicios necesarios para organizar una boda.

Fitnesser ist das erste rein digitale Fitness-Magazin. Wenn wir an Fitness denken, haben wir nicht nur die perfekte Strandfigur im Sinn. Fitness ist mehr als gutes Aussehen. Fitness ist das einzigartige Gefu¨hl, sich unbeschreiblich wohl in der eigenen Haut zu fu¨hlen. Monat fu¨r Monat sind wir Ihr Partner in Dingen Training, Erna¨hrung, Wellness und Fitness-Lifestyle.

Hu¨rriyet K?rm?z? Dergisi iPad Edisyonu

The latest news and trends in business, technology, science, and finance in China are now only a touch away. Using the newest digital publishing technology from Adobe(R), ChinaZines is your go-to resource for China’s top business and technical magazines.
Previously accessible only in print within China, these Chinese-language periodicals are now available for international readers to download to their mobile devices in brilliant graphics. We’ve made it easy for you to stay up-to-date on these fast-growing fields in the world’s largest market.
We’re continually adding new content and features in this exciting new media channel, so please check back for updates.

CTAC MAGAZINE bevat onder andere de link naar de interactieve versie van het jaarverslag 2010 van CTAC NV. Dit informatieve Ctac Magazine bevat daarnaast interactieve informatie zoals geluidsfragmenten en video's in een gebruikersvriendelijke, state of the art, interface. Verder zal er regelmatig content gepubliceerd worden zoals algemeen nieuws, acties en informatie over de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van ICT.

Viva is a magazine for healthy living, which has been informing Slovenian general and expert public on issues concerning better quality of life for over 17 years. Now is available also on iPad. The application is free! Step in and be a part of a new reading experience.
From the latest breakthroughs, innovation and achievements in medicine, prevention and treatment in case of illness, to healthy diet and weight loss, recreation and exercise, partner relationships, children raising issues, ecology, body care and beauty to alternative approaches and ancient healing methods ...
Viva magazine is about everything that is in one way or the another connected to healthy lifestyle.
For questions on diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease there is an exclusive Viva's Doctor line; over 60 eminent medical specialists give free medical and other advices.

The digital Audi Express is a new and additional information medium from Audi Communications Motorsport. As printed product the Audi Express has been available now for over ten years, and always to coincide with great motorsport events, for example during the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The iPad now allows us to publish the Audi Express regularly − during the 2011 season always on Tuesday after every DTM and ILMC races.
With the Audi Express we aim to bring the fascinating world of Audi Motorsport closer to journalists and to provide stimuli for personal reports. The material that our team uses for the digital Audi Express is available for accredited media representatives to download from www.audi-motorsport.info: text, photographs, sound bites, videos.
However, with the digital Audi Express we also offer fans around the world a new opportunity to learn about the brand with the Four Rings’ motorsport program.

Turkish Review (TR) is a bimonthly journal published in the English language to inform those seeking an answer to the question, "What is happening in Turkey?" It aims to reach those unaware of Turkey’s importance in the international arena and to convince those who nurture prejudices about Turkey. Published by Feza Gazetecilik A.S., the TR has an editorial policy that is summed up in its slogan "From Turkey to the whole world."
TR intends to accommodate all of Turkey’s intellectual hues. But it wants to be a kaleidoscope, not a rainbow. It intends to host all scores, not in cacophony, but in a well-orchestrated symphony. The TR adopts a popular-academic language and a presentation delicately poised between journalism and academic scholarship.

Agora, voce^ encontra a revista Odebrecht Informa tambe´m em versao para o iPad.
Criada em 1973, a Odebrecht Informa e´ uma das publicacoes empresariais mais antigas do Brasil. Sempre se renovando, traz, a cada edicao, os assuntos mais relevantes para a Organizacao Odebrecht, com destaque para as realizacoes das pessoas nos pai´ses e nego´cios em que atuam.
Mais uma vez pioneira, a revista e´ uma das primeiras publicacoes empresariais brasileiras publicadas para o iPad.
Na versao de Odebrecht Informa para o iPad, a partir da edicao de marco / abril, voce^ encontrara´ o conteu´do completo da edicao impressa, vi´deos, maior quantidade de fotos, animacoes e infogra´ficos especiais, ale´m de outros recursos propiciados pelo tablet.

flair ist O¨sterreichs internationales Modemagazin

Revista Qualimetria FAAP Digital, a primeira revista brasileira a tratar de qualidade de produto e servico de forma integrada. O´rgao oficial de divulgacao da Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP).
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