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[カテゴリ別]: 人気ランキング


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Publicacao sofisticada sobre o estilo de vida de quem ama a vida no mar.
Sophisticated publication about the lifestyle of sea lovers.

Receba a Istoe´ Dinheiro direto no seu iPad! A revista de economia e nego´cios mais respeitada do Brasil reformulou sua versao digital. Toda a qualidade editorial e ana´lises precisas da ISTOE´ Dinheiro ao alcance da sua mao.
No aplicativo, voce^ vai encontrar a edicao completa da revista, com as secoes, as entrevistas, as ana´lises e a opiniao de quem mais entende de economia e nego´cios no Pai´s, ale´m de vi´deos e material interativo.
Baixe agora e receba, toda semana, a revista ISTOE´ Dinheiro no seu iPad.

La revista SEMANA es la publicacio´n semanal de ana´lisis y opinio´n ma´s importante de Colombia. Se constituyo´ en 1982 y actualmente encabeza una de las empresas editoriales ma´s so´lidas de Ame´rica Latina.
La aplicacio´n de Revista SEMANA le permite comprar semanalmente la edicio´n impresa con un toque de interactividad y herramientas multimedia a trave´s de Itunes.
De esta manera, usted podra´ no solo leer la revista en formato digital, sino almacenar y guardar ediciones anteriores que ya haya comprado.
Por el momento usted solo tendra´ acceso a comprar edicio´n por edicio´n, pero pro´ximamente podra´ suscribirse a la revista a trave´s de Itunes para recibirla directamente en su Ipad.

Receba ISTOE´ direto em seu iPad! A partir de agora voce^ ja´ pode ter a versao digital da revista semanal mais independente do Brasil. Toda a qualidade e isencao editorial da ISTOE´ ao alcance da sua mao.
No aplicativo, voce^ vai encontrar a edicao completa da revista, com as secoes, as entrevistas e as reportagens que transformaram a ISTOE´ em refere^ncia no jornalismo brasileiro, com toda a interatividade permitida pelo seu iPad, vi´deos e conteu´do exclusivo.
Baixe agora e tenha acesso a revista ISTOE´ no seu iPad.

A VP Group vem com a missao de suprir as necessidades de comunicacao integrada em todo ambiente para qualquer mercado com o maior valor, agregado e qualidade de servicos, buscando a superacao das expectativas de nossos clientes.

Unternehmenspra¨sentation der Deister- und Weserzeitung. Multimedialer Rundgang durch die Abteilungen, vom Anzeigenverkauf bis zum Vertrieb.




It was a magnificent day of celebration and glorious romance - and this iPad app is the perfect souvenir capturing the special moments in fabulous pictures.
Created by The Mail on Sunday's London based royal reporting team, our app is for everyone who wants to enjoy Kate and William's dazzling Royal Wedding again and again.
There are scores of stunning pictures - Kate, the beautiful bride in that sensational dress. William, every inch the perfect Prince. That unforgettable balcony kiss! Plus the Queen, Prince Charles, Camilla and all the rest of the Royal Family and their glamorous guests in the most glittering celebration of the year.
-Easy to navigate
A single touch on any page calls up full navigation controls, including an illustrated list of contents and smooth-sliding page thumbnails.
-Stunning pictures
Browse the beautiful photography in gleaming high resolution, complete with captions recounting the events of the great day.
-Download a free preview

Tis Library e` l'app ufficiale del TIS innovation park.
Contiene i prodotti editoriali sull'attivita` del TIS innovation park che e` un centro e uno stimolo per l’innovazione, la cooperazione e il trasferimento tecnologico per tutti gli attori altoatesini parte del sistema innovazione, in particolare per le imprese.

Are you bored of those over-size news apps? Do you want to get a quick overview about the latest news in the morning when you get up, or a read the headlines while you are waiting for the bus? Use One Page of News (OPoN) and you will get fast, reliable, quick, plane and simple information only for the areas of your interest.
With AirPrint you can print your daily personal page of news on the fly! And everything is completely free and without additional costs!
Customize in which topics you are interested in and choose from ten dedicated categories: Headlines, World, Business, Nation, Science, Elections, Politics, Entertainment, Sports or Health.

RSS Reader for Google Reader.
Supports Google Reader online reading.
Supports items and subscriptions downloading. You can download it and read it later, including both texts and pictures
Supports recommendations in Google Reader
Supports manually add new feed
Supports swipe to unsubscribe feed or remove tags

GoReader - The fastest, most comfortable solution for reading news on iPhone/iPad.
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GoReader fully syncs all your feeds, news, news states with the most speed. We made the fastest news reader in AppStore ever.
You can read all your RSS news in many types, with many customization and what is more - in the most comfortable way for you. Sync with Google Reader(TM) allows you to read news even in offline mode.
One of the most important things in news - is managing. You can star and unstar your news, you can keep the news unread for future use and one of the most important you can sync all of that with Google(TM).
We put a lot of time and effort into interface prototyping and design.

Web版もあります。( http://eqmaps.appspot.com )

東日本大震災の発生後、世界中のフォトジャーナリストが被災地を訪れました。国際的に権威のある「オスカー・バルナック新人賞」を受賞した、マグナム所属のドミニク・ナール、今年度の「POYi賞」を受賞したアダム・ディーンや、NYタイムズなどで活躍する日本人写真家の深田志穂などが現地に入りました。本アプリでは、被災地の現状を世界に発信するという主旨に賛同してくれた8ヵ国14名の著名なフォトジャーナリストたちの写真を収録しており、写真総数は120枚に及びます。写真家が語る「被災者への肉声メッセージ」も同時収録。3/11 Tsunami Photo Project は世界への発信と被災地への支援を目的としたプロジェクトです。
Shiho Fukada (深田志穂)
Adam Dean (アダム・ディーン)
77年生まれ。北京を拠点に活動し、写真エージェントのPanos Picturesに所属。「ニューズウィーク」「ローリング・ストーン・マガジン」「タイム」などに写真を発表。英国籍。
James Whitlow Delano (ジェームス・ウィットロー・ディラーノ)
Dominic Nahr (ドミニク・ナール)
Jean Chung (ジーン・チャン)
Keith Bedford (キース・ベッドフォード)
米大統領選を2年間取材し、フォトブログ“The Stumping Grounds”を立ち上げた。「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」「シュテルン」「パリマッチ」などで写真を発表。現在、北京に拠点を移して活動中。米国籍。
Paula Bronstein (ポーラ・ブロンスタイン)
98年からアジアに拠点を移し、02年から写真エージェントGetty Imagesに所属。今までにイスラエル、アフガニスタン、カシミールなどの紛争地帯や南アジアの津波被災地を取材。「タイム」「USAトゥデイ」などで写真を発表。米国籍。
David Guttenfelder (デイヴィッド・ガッテンフェルダー), Jake Price (ジェイク・プライス), Pieter Ten Hoopen (ピーター・テン・フーペン), Guillem Valle (ギヨーム・ヴァル), Ryo Kameyama (亀山亮), Giulio Di Sturco (ジュリオ・ディ・ストゥルコ), Ko Sasaki (佐々木康)
(C)講談社2011 本アプリの記事・写真を無断で複写(コピー)、転載することを禁じます。

Alien Blue HD is the natural evolution of Reddit for a large touchscreen device. It is feature packed, and designed to let you interact with Reddit like never before.
With all of the features of it's iPhone counter part, Alien Blue HD packs even more features, including:
* Collapsable sidebar for navigating between posts and subreddits
* "Hide All" feature. Get fresh results every time. (syncs automatically with your hidden posts on the Reddit server).
* Night mode option for very low backlight and reduced contrast.
* Ability to search Reddit's archive of posts
* Multiple themes for viewing comments
* Manage your subreddits (including Suscribe / Unsubscribe and Re-order)
* Add / Create Posts (and Self Threads)
* Multiple / Novelty Account Support
* Instapaper and Instapaper Mobiliser Support
* Read It Later Support
* One-Tap Imgur Integration when posting (and when commenting)
* One-Tap Quoting
* Support for Casual Subreddits
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