Space Roads

Seller Smackall Games Category Games
App Size 28.0 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later
Version 1.3 (May 03, 2011)


53% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Remake of an old classic game 'SkyRoads'. Your goal is to complete a road in the space with your ship, whereby you have to avoid obstacles: blocks on the road that you mustn't collide with and gaps in the road that you mustn't fall through.
You can accelerate and decelerate your ship, move it left and right, and jump, so you have the option to jump over gaps and onto blocks surfaces or move around obstacles. The faster you travel, the faster you also can move left or right and the wider you can jump.
▪ Light Green: You will accelerate quickly. (called "Boost" in the game)
▪ Dark Green: You can't steer your ship left or right. (called "Slippery" in the game)
▪ Light Red: You will decelerate quickly. (called "Sticky" in the game)
▪ Dark Red: Your ship will explode. It is safe to be on the very edge of a light red square. (called "Burning" in the game)
▪ Blue: Refills your Nitrogen and fuel. Several levels have hidden blue tiles that must be reached in order to complete the level.

Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

85円 (2011/07/14〜)
115円 (2011/02/26〜)

Infromation Related to this App

Space Roads For Mac 1.3, Downloads: 386, License: Commercial, By: Smackall Games, Size: 0.01. Your goal is to complete a road in the space with your ship.

5 May 2011 ... Space Roads for Mac free download, dowload Space Roads, Remake of an old classic game 'SkyRoads'

Download free Space Roads for Mac, free Space Roads download for Mac OS X.

4 May 2011 ... Space Roads Remake of the classic SkyRoads for the Mac.

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