
Seller Jiri Kotraba Category Music
App Size 0.7 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Version 1.6 (Jan 27, 2012)


51% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



******* Not yet compatible with Mountain Lion ********
MenubarMusic is simple music player, it's main goal is to provide music playback without unnecessary distractions like windows or icons in dock, the only manifestation is a small icon in the menubar. There are only two windows, one for playlist manager and one for playlist editor, but they are visible only when you are making changes to the playlists.
MenubarMusic also comes with a possibility to combine playlists by simply selecting more of them, create your playlists with that in mind and you will be able to easily include or exclude groups of songs to better suit your current mood.
You can choose if you want MenubarMusic to stay paused after the computer wakes from sleep or if you want to resume the playback. There is also an option to automatically start playing from selected playlists immediately after MenubarMusic launches.
MenubarMusic can be set as default application to open supported music files.

Other Apps by Jiri Kotraba

Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

85円 (2011/07/15〜)
115円 (2011/03/04〜)

Infromation Related to this App

MenubarMusic is the simple music player for Mac with less Memory usage, a music players for mac that offers simplicity, lets you to keep listening music while multi task works, download mac music player.

31 Jan 2012 ... MenubarMusic Small and menu bar based music player for the Mac.

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