TurretWars MP

Seller Sector3 Pty Ltd Category Games
App Size 53.1 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 2.0 (Apr 18, 2011)


76% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



** Introductory sale! **
Turret Wars MP is a fast paced, peer to peer networked Multi-Player and Single-Player 3D arcade lobbing game, where you battle against other players and/or computer controlled enemy gun turrets, finding and destroying them before they find and destroy you!
You can either start/host your own networked game (as the server) and allow others to join your game, or select another game to join from a list of waiting players/hosts.
You can mix and match networked players with computer controlled turrets and set your own game rules. Games can be played over the internet or on a local LAN.
You can collect powerup bunkers to help you survive longer as well and increase your projectile damage or increase your health. There are even missile powerup bunkers to help you shoot down the enemy bombers and drop ships.

Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

85? (2011/12/14?)
1300? (2011/12/13?)
850? (2011/09/13?)

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