
Seller Paul Schifferer Category Games
App Size 1.5 MB Requirements Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.0.2 ( May 23, 2011)


48% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Multi-RPG encounter tracker
Encounter planning
* Create "prepared" encounters for later use, and then run them any number of times with the click of a button.
Drop-in groups
* Create a group from an encounter's participants, and re-use them in other encounters. They can be dropped into any encounter on the fly.
* Set the color and marker text for each participant in the encounter, so you can quickly find them on the map.
Multiple game systems
* Supports a variety of RPGs through a plugin system that allows new systems to be added.
Flexible condition tracking
* Supported game systems provide an array of pre-fab conditions that can be applied to participants or regions. You can also add custom conditions.
Integrated mapping
* Each encounter can display a map that allows you to track positioning of participants, especially in relation to regions, so you can tell if someone is standing too close to a fire, or is subject to an aura or other environmental effect.

Other Apps by Paul Schifferer

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