
Seller Carlo Rubini Category Productivity
App Size 2.2 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 4.1.3 (Jan 06, 2012)
Languages English, German, Italian, Spanish


48% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Very fast engine for searching in one go one or several sets of words in hundreds of files created by wordprocessors, pagemakers, databases etc.
In fact, if you write a lot, there may come a time when you are in doubt whether a certain word has always been spelled correctly: here comes AskPoirot’s usefulness, since you can make a search of the mispelled word and after a while you will see which of your files contain the mispelled word.
It is also valuable for programmers, translators, journalists and editors, as it allows to locate easily in which precise files a phrase or code expression is included.
So, through AskPoirot it is possible to know how many times a given word/sentence occurs in all of your files and in each file.
To start a search-process, you have only to write one or more words/sentences in the FIND field and drag-n-drop files and folders onto AskPoirot’s main window or icon.

Current Price: $4.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

450円 (2012/07/18〜)
500? (2012/04/19?)
450? (2012/02/04?)
500? (2011/08/10?)
450? (2011/07/15?)
600? (2011/06/02?)
800? (2011/05/19?)

Infromation Related to this App

AskPoirot is a very fast engine for searching in one go one or several sets of words in hundreds of files created by wordprocessors, pagemakers etc. In fact, if you write a lot, there may come a time when you are in doubt whether a certain word ...

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