
Seller David Gallacher Category Games
App Size 5.2 MB Requirements OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Version 1.4.0 (May 21, 2012)


78% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



SudokuGuru is program which not only enables you to play Sudoku on your PC but will also explain how to solve each Sudoku if you get stuck! The full version of the program has the following features:
. A virtually unlimited supply of Sudoku puzzles.
. 6 levels of difficulty.
. Use pencil marks to help solve the more difficult Sudokus.
. Enter your own Sudoku or a Sudoku from a newspaper and play it as a normal game.
. Print out Sudokus to play on paper.
. Open/Save game feature.
. Ask for help - the program will give you a hint or will solve the whole Sudoku.
. Get a step by step explanation of the logic used to solve each box.
. Full undo history so you can backtrack through your game.

Other Apps by David Gallacher

MySudokuGuru Free

Current Price: $0.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

85円 (2012/02/22〜)
170円 (2011/08/05〜)

Infromation Related to this App

21 Feb 2012 ... MySudokuGuru is a program that not only enables you to play Sudoku on your Mac but will also explain how to solve each Sudoku if you get stuck! The full version of the program has the following features: A virtually unlimited ...

23 May 2012 ... MySudokuGuru A challenging Sudoku puzzle generator and solver for your Mac.

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