Reading Readiness On-Track

Seller School Zone Publishing Category Education
App Size 146 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 1.9.2 (Jul 17, 2012)


48% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



Reading Readiness K-1
Ages 4-6
Grade K- 1
Changing from a non-reader to a beginning reader is a caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation. This unique app helps emerging readers stretch their wings!
With imagination and a whimsical touch, Reading Readiness On-Track software guides kindergarteners and first graders through games and activities that introduce and reinforce important language and reading readiness concepts. Kids practice sequencing, matching, rhymes, shapes, opposites, patterns and more. They work on alphabetical order and uppercase and lowercase letters in lessons and exercises that feel like play! A unique progress tracking feature allows children to work at their own pace, bookmarks their progress so they can pick up where they left off and provides instant grading to motivate learning. Colorful graphics, silly sound effects, and funny reward animations enhance the learning experience.
Plus, there are added features like games and personalized printouts.

Current Price: $4.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

450円 (2012/08/07〜)
850円 (2012/08/01〜)
450円 (2012/06/05〜)
850円 (2012/06/02〜)
450円 (2012/05/04〜)
850円 (2011/09/20〜)

Infromation Related to this App

Reading Readiness On-Track Helps children learn and improve their reading skills.

7 May 2012 ... Information and download Reading Readiness On-Track 1.9.2 with key Quick Specification: Average rating: out of 118 votes Application.

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