Dox Pro - Dox with alarms

Seller Jedrzej Gronek Category Productivity
App Size 0.2 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later
Version 2.6.2 (Apr 18, 2012)


45% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



User review:
"Dox sits quietly above any other window or hides in the menubar. It is perfect for immediate, day-long tasks - how I often work: type what you have to do for the day, check tasks done with a swipe and pinch them to dismiss completed items. Start over the next day (and carry over the tasks you did not achieve the day before, as Dox saves your tasks from one session to another).
Dox Pro includes an alarm, priority and category (you can search tasks per category).(...) I bought it after toying with the free apps from the same developer and I can add the guy is very quick to answer and apparently dedicated to make things ever better, which is a great commitment." by Olivier Piasentin
Dox Pro provides you the simplest way to remember things. It is an elegant app that displays your task list without distracting you. Run Dox Pro if you need it, close it if not, add some new tasks, schedule alarms, check some off and clean your list with one click.

Current Price: $2.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

250? (2011/11/26?)

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