
Seller Rosborough Tech Co. Category Games
App Size 1.2 MB Requirements OS X 10.6.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Version 3.1.1 (Nov 29, 2011)
Languages English, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Swedish


58% (This index is irrelevant to performance)



McSudoku is one of the original Sudoku games for the Mac (formerly called MacSudoku). McSudoku features five different sizes of puzzles, including the classic 9×9 Sudoku, mini 4×4 and jumbo 16×16 puzzles, as well as four different difficulty levels, from Easy to Fiendish. It keeps statistics such as your best times and your average time for each level, and it allows you to print worksheets with multiple puzzles on a single sheet. Now in version 3.1, McSudoku is a polished app that you'll enjoy using to solve Sudoku puzzles.
Key Features:
* Unlimited puzzles - McSudoku generates it's own true Sudoku puzzles
* Pencil marks - keep track of the possible values for each square
* Simple interface - easy to use whether you prefer to use the mouse or navigate with just the keyboard
* Puzzle entry - enter and solve your own puzzles from the newspaper or other sources
* Worksheet printing - print up a worksheet of your favourite level and size of puzzle to take with you anywhere

Other Apps by Rosborough Tech Co.

Current Price: $2.99 (2012/08/12)

Price Change (up to 2012/08/12)

250? (2011/12/01?)

Infromation Related to this App

1 Dec 2011 ... McSudoku is a Mac OS X Sudoku game that features five different sizes of puzzles, including the classic 9×9 Sudoku, mini 4×4 and jumbo 16×16 puzzles, as well as four different difficulty levels, from Easy to Fiendish.

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